Guide to Employee Wellness Programs

August 31, 2023

Employee health is one of those things that benefits both the company and its workers. And worksite wellness programs are a great tool to facilitate it. Though the concept is relatively new and a bit tricky, it can reap some very tangible benefits. What are they? Let’s dive into the value, definition, and characteristics of a successful program for employee wellbeing.

Employee wellness program benefits

Ever heard the phrase: a happy employee is a good employee? Well, it turns out that a healthy employee is an even better one. Research suggests that as much as 87% of US employees who work for companies with a wellness program are more engaged with their job and report higher levels of motivation. And this naturally translates to a better atmosphere in the work environment, as well as a boost in performance and productivity, which benefits the entire company structure.

An employee wellness program can mean a lot of things, but it’s usually understood as a set of initiatives aimed at improving your workers’ physical, mental, and social well-being. Through incentives such as group workouts, stress management classes, or flexible schedules, your company can build a sense of community and help employees maintain a work-life balance. It’s a great way to reduce healthcare costs, raise team morale, and even attract new talent. After all, what you give is what you get.

5 features of a successful employee wellness program

An employee wellness program can do a lot of good for your company – but first, it has to do a lot of good for your employees. The past couple of years proved that workplace priorities are changing, and the scale is tipping toward a more holistic, mental-health-focused approach. Sure, perks are nice, but what people really want is balance; especially with Gen-Z entering the workforce, employees are increasingly embracing the ‘work to live, not live to work’ mindset (and rightfully so). That’s why it’s not enough to just throw a ‘pizza party’ (which is actually a pretty bad idea in general) and boast about improving employee satisfaction. Here is what to focus on instead:

  • A comprehensive wellness program is one that takes into account both remote and on-site workers. Thanks to online resources, companies can now reach employees from across the globe – distance doesn’t have to stand in the way of a healthy workplace. From offering free corporate fitness apps to holding finance counseling sessions, there’s a lot to be done to connect and activate all employees, regardless of where they work.
  • Wellness programs are usually associated with physical activity and initiatives such as fitness classes or gym memberships. And while everyone knows working out has a whole multitude of benefits, not everyone is into sport. Some need incentives such as company fitness challenges or workplace contests to go that extra mile for their health. Sometimes it takes several steps and a bit of trial and error to come up with new ideas for a successful wellness initiative.
  • Employee health never loses its importance, so a good program is one that lasts all year round. While many companies focus on wellness services centered around a certain time of the year – usually summer or holidays – the best initiatives are designed to engage employees regardless of the occasion.
  • A successful employee wellness program should use technology-driven solutions that activate people and help them share their passions and accomplishments. By using team fitness challenge apps or workout group apps, your employees can post their results, milestones, and even pictures of healthy meals to promote health and wellness within the workplace community. A little competition never hurts, and the promise of a challenge can actually provide motivation for many.
  • A company’s wellness program is an incredible tool not only for facilitating healthy employees but for strengthening your team as well. But for that to happen, you need to give people the opportunity to participate in planning activities and work together toward a common goal. This will enhance their commitment and feeling of community.

How to design a wellness program?

As there’s no one-size-fits-all formula, creating a wellness program will look different for different companies. However, when building one, it’s always worth to:

Consider varying wellness dimensions

A wellness program can work many different angles – from physical and mental to social and financial. Whilst designing your scheme, take a moment to consider which areas should be enhanced within your company. Maybe your workers need a little help with finding their passions? Maybe they need language lessons or volunteering opportunities just as much as yoga classes to relieve stress?

Appoint a wellness committee

Building a wellness program requires planning – someone needs to take care of the budget, the proposals, the participation, and even legal considerations. That’s why it’s a good idea to appoint a wellness committee or maybe a wellness coordinator who’ll keep an eye on all things program-related.

Take care of program evaluation

Wellness programs can be great for promoting health among your workers, but it's hard to know if they fulfill their goals without continuously monitoring their performance. To make sure your employees react to the challenges and incentives your program is proposing, you need to track its responsiveness and results.

ROI – wellness programs

One of the top reasons why companies should consider investing in a wellness program is – besides increased productivity – money. To put it simply, having healthier and happier employees just pays off, as they take fewer sick days and do their jobs better. In fact, a recent study by Rand Corporation found the ROI on wellness programs is approximately 1.50$, which means that your organization can get 1.50$ for every dollar invested in creating and building the program in the first place1. Plus, the benefits of physically and emotionally healthy employees – which the study calls ‘The Employee Positivity Factor’ – are probably far greater, albeit tough to calculate.

Want to see them in your organization? Check out Fitbout – a corporate wellness app that provides you with all the tools necessary for creating the best employee wellness program. Gamification? Check! Fun company fitness challenges? Check! Group workout tracker? Check! The ability to share results and pictures with teammates? Check! With all the tech-driven features, Fitbout can help you build a community of healthy and happy workers in no time.

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