Fit for Success: How Active Employees Drive Productivity and Business Growth

September 8, 2023

Did you know that as much as 85% of employees are not engaged in the workplace? That staggering number translates very palpably to lower productivity, lessened creativity, and poorer performance. What can employers do to fight this general lack of involvement among their staff? (Un)surprisingly, promoting physical activity may be the key to better employee engagement. Let’s find out how wellness initiatives boost productivity and power your business’s success. 

The employee engagement crisis

With the lingering pandemic effects, soaring inflation, and the remote work trend taking the world by storm (though now under scrutiny), employee engagement is officially in decline. A study by Gallup showed that workers are becoming less and less involved in their jobs – from 36% of U.S. employees reporting high levels of engagement in 2020 to 34% in 2021 and 32% in 2022. And with Gen-Z, whose representatives are openly ‘anti-work’ and embracing trends like ‘lazy girl jobs’, entering the workplace, these numbers will probably continue to drop. The problem is real, as disengaged employees cost organizations big money – according to another Gallup research, around $450 to $550 billion annually in the U.S. alone. That’s why more and more employers are looking into solutions to stop this movement from going further. And finding that it all starts with employee wellbeing. 

Healthy employees are productive employees

When creating a business strategy for workplace productivity, few employers take into consideration their staff’s physical and mental health. And yet, this is one of the biggest factors for your business success. Need proof? A study by the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) showed that employee health is linked to higher productivity, better morale, and overall job satisfaction. The results of the HERO’s survey confirmed that over 90% of corporations indicated a better performance (regarding both quality and quantity of work) after prioritizing employee well being. But how exactly does a boost in wellness amount to happy employees who do their job efficiently? Let’s take a look at how health and activity are linked to worker productivity.

5 ways participating in wellness activities increase employee productivity

  1. Regular exercise changes our brain

Everyone knows that working out is good for our health – it helps keep our weight in check and fight off illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular issues. But what’s less known is that regular exercise works wonders for our brains. And we’re not just talking about the release of feel-good chemicals like oxytocin and endorphins (although that too). Physical activity is actually proven to drive brain cell growth and improve neuroplasticity, which is our brain’s capacity to learn new things.

Exercise also boosts our memory, helps us stay focused, and enhances our mental health, famously keeping depression and anxiety at bay. All of that naturally leads to increased productivity, employee empowerment, and overall better work performance. In fact, a study published in the “International Journal of Workplace Health Management” proved that employees manage their time and workload 72% better on days they exercise compared to days they don’t.

  1. Physical fitness favors better work life balance

Surprisingly enough, to increase productivity in the workplace, we first have to strive for better satisfaction in our personal life. And that can’t happen without the right work/life balance, which exercising really facilitates. Whether through gym memberships, yoga classes, or even something as simple as daily power walks – carving a little time for one’s health and wellbeing is essential to fight off burnout, which leads to more job satisfaction and overall productivity boost.

  1. Working out helps combat workplace stress

From long work hours to draining virtual meetings, there’s a lot to be stressed about at work – and exercise is a famous stress reliever. By pumping out endorphins and feeding our brains with oxygen, physical activity reduces the negative effects of everyday stress and even makes us more resilient to stressors we may (and most likely will) come across in the future. Additionally, working out revamps our quality of sleep and helps fight off fatigue. Results? Increased productivity levels, enhanced creativity, higher self-esteem, and deeper engagement. Who wouldn’t want that in their employee?

  1. Participating in employee fitness challenges strengthens the team

Another reason why physical activity works so well to improve employee productivity is because it’s an amazing opportunity for some team bonding. By allowing employees to participate in corporate wellness challenges, you strengthen your staff morale, help your workers get to know one another better, and boost their ability to cooperate. This enhances employee satisfaction, makes workers more engaged in their day-to-day operations, and effectively serves the entire organization.

  1. Healthy employees take fewer sick days

Last but not least – physical activity and wellness initiatives drive your business success because healthy employees take a lot fewer sick days (and when they do show up for work, they give their 100%). Another study by Gallup showed that “highly engaged business units realize an 81% difference in absenteeism”, which can save your company as much as $3,500-2,000 per year for each individual worker – because that’s the cost of unscheduled absenteeism.

Activate your employees into job satisfaction

From organizing in-office exercise classes to offering free gym memberships – there’s a lot an employer can do to activate their workers and get them to move more often. And, as shown by the numbers above, it definitely pays off. Need help starting out? Here at Fitbout, we know everything about creating fun fitness challenges that engage employees and give them the push they need to exercise and take better care of their health. Easy to use and filled with creative ideas for enhancing employee wellbeing, this app will transform your company’s wellness game. Check it out and try it for just 8$ a month!

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